
Showing posts from July, 2016
"World Yoga day" (21-6-2016) Maharishi Patanjali is the ‘father of Yoga’ who compiled 195 Yoga Sutras that became the foundation of Yoga philosophy. "Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and well-being."
Father's day celebration(17.6.2016) "My father is a man like no other, he gave me life,nurtured me,taught me, dressed me, fought for me, shouted at me, kissed me,but most importantly he loved me unconditionally." "I love you dad"
Greetings from WonderKids! Environment Day 08/06/2016 " Save Earth save natural resources for your future Human Resource"